
Website Optimization: 20 Guaranteed Ways To Kill Your Site

When it comes to running your own website, you will be inundated with opinions. Suddenly everyone is an expert and has little tips and tricks to try to improve the many things that you are aiming for.
That’s great, if you are avoiding the trappings that many businesses fall into when it comes to website optimization.
Here we have provided a list of 20 things that will kill your website, some of them you’re probably doing without even realising!
1. Ignoring Social Media
We live in a fast paced and rapidly changing environment. Instead of daily newspapers, people now have up-to-the-second information in the palms of their hands. Being able to react, engage and ultimately build brand awareness across social media platforms is an absolute must for any website trying to gain a foothold in the online world.
2. Overcomplicating
As much as we like to show off how intelligent we are with fancy words and long, artistic paragraphs, in general, your audience will lose interest quickly if you don’t get to the point. As mentioned in point one, the way we as human’s digest information now is very quick, if someone doesn’t get what they are looking for fast they will be exiting your site as fast as they entered. Don’t believe us? Check how long people spend on your webpages.
3. Not Using Pictures
Some websites read a lot like shopping lists, and who wants to read a shopping list? For better website optimization you should use a lot of pictures. Break up your blog posts with relevant pictures and increase reader engagement by doing so. Correct use of pictures should break up the text into easily digestible pieces of information. There are plenty of free picture resources out there, so you really have no excuse not to get your blog crammed full of interesting images.
4. Not Having a Subscribe Button
The goal of your website is to communicate with the wider world. To showcase yourself to a greater audience and to do it on a consistent basis. If you don’t have a subscribe button you are instantly missing a huge opportunity to generate leads and by default future sales prospects.
5. Inconsistent Blog Activity
Search engines love consistency, believe it or not, just because you hired a blogger to write 5 articles doesn’t mean they should be posted in one go. It is better to space out the publishing of blog articles at regular intervals. This shows search engines that you are regularly active and consistently updating the information on your website. It will really improve your website optimization.
6. Not Updating your Website
Do you still have the same website you started out with in 2010? Chances are that theme is looking at best a bit tired but at worst it will be looking dated. If your website looks old and tired, then that speaks volumes to visitors about your brand. It is best to review your website on an annual basis to ensure that everything remains fresh and up to date.
7. Less Than 300 Words on Pages
This isn’t a critical flaw, but it can have a substantial effect on website traffic. The reason being that search engines will sometimes require 300 words minimum to record the contents of that page. So if your ‘Contact Us’ page only have 150 words, that could be the difference between someone finding it on a search engine or not.
8. Not Tagging Images
Remember all those juicy and delightful images we told you to put on your blog? Well search engines want to find them too, except search engines don’t have eyes. You need to tag your images so that when search engines crawl your website they know what they are looking at and can bring your pages up in the image search results.
9. Not Having Call to Actions
It doesn’t matter what type of website you have, there will always be a purpose to it. Some people want to generate sales, some want a larger reader base, whatever the overall goal is, let your visitors know what to do. A simple “Buy now” button could be the difference between a profitable website and a non-profitable one.
10. Not Keywording
Like with the aforementioned tagging of pictures, not placing relevant keywords across an article makes it harder for a search engine to categorise exactly what your content is about. The key is to strategically target keywords to generate higher traffic to your site. Simple.
11. Keyword Stuffing
Point 10 was so simple right? Well, some websites go overboard on the keywording and it is a sure-fire way to turn off your next reader. While search engines won’t mind too much if a site has a keyword repeated endlessly your reader will. If they see content written for robots they will click away quick, this will have a detrimental effect on your search rankings as well because the search engines will see that people aren’t staying on your site long, so it must be trash.
12. Not Providing Communication Opportunities
Bit of a mouthful that one, but it is very straightforward. Having comment sections, opinion polls, user surveys etc allows your traffic to communicate with you. Yes, sometimes it isn’t what you want to hear, but criticism is always an opportunity to improve. Give your readers a voice and they will listen more attentively when you speak.
13. Spammy Adverts
It is very easy to get adverts onto your website nowadays. It can also be very lucrative and a great source of background income. But be wary of the type of adverts that users will see. Using AdSense and other ad programs can promote relevant products to your audience without detracting away from the content on your site. If you have a butcher’s website, do you really want a vegan diet advertised on your site? Be ad smart and make sure you know what is being advertised on your site.
14. Simple Isn’t Stupid
Earlier on we said how key it was to keep content simple. That doesn’t mean that the content should be poorly written. So many websites have blogs full to the brim with content that has poor grammar, spelling and in general are of low written quality. If you can’t write, use freelancing sites like Upwork to hire writers. Make sure your content reads well from start to finish and make sure it provides value throughout.
15. Being Too Salesy
Sounds counterintuitive to not try so hard to sell something that you want to sell. The key is to get clients and customers to buy into your products by showing them how much it is worth. No one likes a hard sell. If you want to keep your conversions low, then keep your sales pages being written as a sales page. If you want to increase conversions, then craft a sales page that gets readers interested in what the product can do for them.
16. Not Using Plugins
If you’re a WordPress site owner (the majority of you will be), be sure to utilise plugins to enhance your website. Some plugins are simple like displaying a button for social media; some are far more complex and run in the background to speed up page loading times. Either way, using plugins adds value. See our 20 Best WordPress Plugins guide here.

17. Lacking Direction
If you have a website, be sure to know what you want it to do. If you want to make money, make sure you have direct user journeys to your ecommerce store. Of course, you don’t want people visiting your blog and leaving empty handed. So make sure that you’re always focused on the overall goal of the website and plan each aspect accordingly.
18. Having a Poor Design
Almost as an addition to point 17, make sure that your website works properly. For example, having 404 (dead links) pages come up is frustrating for the user and will likely lead to them leaving the website. As well as making sure every link is working (there are plugins that do this for you) it is vitally important to make sure that your website is easy to navigate. A user should never be more than a click away from your home page, no one wants to be locked in a maze they can’t get out of. This point is really bad for website optimization.
19. Not Having Security Credentials
If you’re handling money and you are not providing encryptions or safety features for your customers, then they will likely not purchase anything. Something as simple as securing your transaction pages with the padlock icon will inspire consumer trust and have a positive effect on your conversions.
20. Negative Reviews
There is such a thing as bad publicity and it, of course, can bury a business or a website in an instant. If you are enabling people to review or you company is trading in a forum that can be reviewed make sure you stay customer focused. If you get the dreaded bad review, respond in a professional, courteous manner. Apologise and if necessary offer to rectify the problem. Pro-actively responding to the occasional bad review will show that you care. You won’t be able to please everyone all of the time; do what you can when you can.

Conclusion about website optimization
Hopefully you will have found this guide helpful, if you have made any mistakes on your website, remember, you can rectify it. Identifying the errors will now allow you to put right any wrongs. Be sure to subscribe using the icon above and make sure you get the latest information to make your website a success!

The Most Used Shady Practices Of Website Monetization

The website monetization strategies are changing every day. The publishers and the advertisers are trying to figure out new ways every day. That is why the online advertising system is getting too competitive day by day. Also, the publishers are looking out for new ways every day. 
But here comes some most important questions,
  • Do you know the real worth of your traffic?
  • Is your website monetization platform paying you alright?
  • Do you know the metrics that influence your earnings?
Don’t worry. We will answer all of them today. We are going to reveal the truth about all the shady practices of website monetization. Before that let’s get into some basics.
The metrics that influence your website earnings
Firstly, publishers need to know which metrics are crucial to analyze their overall performance. Understanding that publishers will also have a simpler time picking the right partner to operate with.
Publishers try to use earnings as the key performance indicator (KPI) when analyzing various networks. However, it is more necessary to know more about additional relevant variables that affect publishers’ earnings such as ad impressions and eCPMs. 
Earnings = (Ad impression / 1000) * eCPM.
Ad views are known as an impression, used to present the data of how many times an ad shown to the user. The whole number of ad impressions depends often on the website’s audience size as well as the number of ad placements on the site.
And the fill rate is the metric that shows the ratio of number ad shown divided by the number of ads requested.
The Most Used Shady Practices Of Website Monetization
Knowing the monetization performance is key to producing a good balance among user experience and earnings. Therefore, producing good content and a high number of visitors isn’t solely sufficient to start monetizing. It is important to find an advertising partner who knows the value of user experience and offers you the most productive monetization strategy.
But, the extremely competitive online advertising aspect has triggered some professionals to utilize shady practices in order to obtain a competitive advantage.
Disrespecting the frequency capping agreement.
As earlier mentioned, advertising platforms will suggest you to set interfering ad formats limiting frequency cappingThat is given to find the perfect place within performance and user experience (eg. Pop-Under restricted to 1 impression per IP/day).
That being said, it is an “open secret” that in order to make more revenue, many networks who offer such interfering ad formats aren’t valuing the frequency capping rules that they accepted on with you. Oftentimes, the network should show 1 impression per IP/day, but this capping is only valued in some countries including the country the publisher is truly located in. Meanwhile, visitors from other GEOs (i.e. the USA) are viewing 2 or more Pop ads per day.
In that case, you will profit from this shady practice by getting paid for these extra ad impressions. But, it will damage the site’s user experience in the long run and you might lose more visitors.
You check out in various ways if your monetization partner is cheating or not. Use a VPN to check this. 
Impression Shaving
As earlier mentioned, Knowing the monetization performance is key to producing a good balance among user experience and earnings. However, this is true with any kind of advertising, this logic has gained reinforcement when it comes to more intrusive ads. A website using an abusive usage of full-screen ad formats should expect these things to happen:
  • A user leaving the site because of too many ads.
  • The users will tr find a new site with the same content but better UI.
  • They will use the site for their resources but won’t click through the ads.
there are some dishonest individuals who playing with their CPM to doctor their earnings. They just don’t reveal the 100% data of their publisher, which they generated in their dashboard.
Misbehaving ad tags 
Last but not least on the list, rendering “misbehaving ad tags” to publishers is a shady practice that appears to be getting some momentum in the last few years.
In order to build an ecosystem where they can get a competitive edge over clean platforms, some individual in the industry doesn’t seem to worry about the user experience of their publishers’ sites. As well as believing that it’s okay to accommodate their clients with ad tags that capture their sites. For example, ad tags that permit networks to trigger Pop-Under or Pop-Up ads into a tag that was only intended to display Native ads.
Such an ambiguous practice provides the advertising platform to:
  • Display publishers’ greater performance than every other clean partner proposing Native ads can present.
  • In the severest case, not pay the publishers for the surprisingly promoted Pop-Under or Pop-Up ads and make a lot of profit at the cost of the site’s user experience.
Likewise to the frequency capping case, we recommend you to use a VPN (with a residential IP) to test various locations and the behavior of your ad tags.
These practices are profitable for the advertisers but publishers like suffers most from them. These practices will lose tons of visitors from your site. After reading this article, you now have all the knowledge about the most used shady practices of website monetization. You can now track all the shady players from the industry and make sure no one can fool you.
We believe that as an advertiser, you should earn by showing ads but no one has the right to make lose your audiences. Always be careful about with you are partnering. check their privacy policy and terms conditions. Research about them. make sure that there is no bad or scam review online about them. Also after partnering with an ad network, check regularly if they following any shady methods. These guidelines should save you from any shady player in the industry.

The Website Content Formula: How To Attract Readers

Nowadays, the Internet is tremendously growing. It is very hard to escape from the internet in today’s world. Everything is related to the internet. Whether it is shopping, Information, Or any other day to day activities.
The most important aspect of internet surfing is websites. It is a very important part of the internet world. There is no meaning of the internet without websites.
So, let’s talk about the websites first. The website is the collections of pages that involve the same type of information and published under a single domain name in the World Wide Web. After getting aware of the website you must be thinking about what is there inside the website.
So, let me tell you about this the most interesting topic we are going to talk about. Inside the website, it is the content specifically called Website content.
Website content can be in any form like written text, images, videos, audio file and so on. The mixture of all these makes a website content.
If you are going to make a website then here are some tips and tricks to make your website content attractive: –
Website content writing Tips:
  1. Start with an introduction.
Always start with a small introduction with what you are going to talk about. The introduction should be in brief and to the point. Add some lines which are very attractive to the reader and the readers should feel stick to the content.
  • Use maximum Points and bullets.
Don’t write the whole content in paragraph form. But, use points and bulletins to the maximum so that they don’t feel bored while reading. Even when they are reading in a hurry they can get the maximum knowledge without reading the whole content. And point should be according to the content inside and attractive, which will make the readers want to read more.
  • Short and Simple sentences.
The sentences you are using in the whole content should be short and simple. It should be in such a way so that even a small child can read and understand the content. Very hard sentences will resist the readers to read more. And will make them to not come to the website again.
  • Knowledgeable and valuable content.
The content should be such that it provides knowledge to the readers. There must contain some facts and figures which are not available in general. It must provide value to the readers; the valuable content is the key to attracting more and more traffic to the website.
  • Use pictures, Audio-video files Etc.
The content should also involve Picture which is related to it. It must be something that will depict the basic idea of the website. You can also include audio-video files. These should be attractive and, in the form, which is understandable.
  • Read books and gain knowledge.
Starting to write any website content make sure you should yourself gain some knowledge about it. You can read books, other website contents Etc. Gain as much knowledge as possible. 
  • Use statistical data.
In the written content make sure you provide some statistical data to prove your words. It will create a greater impact in the mind of a reader. In this way, you can prove your words and make the reader believe that your content is true to the data.
  • Understand your audience’s needs.
Make sure you understand the needs of your audience and what they are expecting in the content to read. Fulfill their needs as much as possible. Till you are fulfilling their needs they will be loyal to you. So, to make them come and stick to your website, you need to fulfill their expectations.
  • Structure of content.
The most important thing after collecting the content is how to structure your content. The structure of the content should be in a form so that it makes the reader believe that your website has some valuable content. And it should be in an attractive form. With every written paragraph you should provide some related visual content too. So that it will make them understand it more easily.
Attractive headline.
The most important part of the website content which attracts the most readers is its headline. The headline should be in a form that will make the reader open the website and read the content. For example, in this content, the headline is “The website content formula: How to attract readers” is much more attractive than something like “Tips for website content writing”.
In these points, we talked about some tips about attractive website content. Now Let’s also talk about some measures or don’ts to keep in mind while making website content. These are:
Don’t Plagiarize.
This is the most important thing you need to keep in mind. Plagiarism means copying content from the other website. As plagiarism is an illegal act, this can result in your website getting penalized. So, avoid doing this and make original content for your website.
  • Complicated and hard words.
Don’t use complicated and hard sentences/ words, for the website content. This will create a reading problem for readers and they will avoid your website. If you can understand hard word but that doesn’t mean that the other person may also aware of the same word. Make the sentence as simple as possible.
  • Repeated sentences.
Don’t repeat sentences as it is very boring to read the same sentence again and again. Even the valuable information given in the other paragraph will be of no value. So, avoid this as much as possible.
These were some points to keep in mind to make your website attractive. After following these steps, you can make very good website content.

Top 12 Best CRM Software for Small Businesses

If you own a small business and you are looking to take the next step in its development, then congratulations, you are a visionary. Carrying your business into the CRM world is a significant step you can take now for the next level.

Your main concern now is how to drive more growth and revenue into your business. For more development, you need more exposure, customers, employees, and spending more money to get all that.

The CRM will make you sure that your money is going into the right places by organizing all the data you need in a single platform. Other essential functions you get from CRM include sales reporting, lead management, contacts organization, sales follow-up.

Think of your CRM as a hub that gathers all your needed info in one place. This system makes everything easier for you and your team.

  1. Small business CRM is a leading field now, with many affordable options out there. Your management software is a crucial factor in your growth. The best free CRM will be easier to choose from than ever after reading this article. You may be looking for a call center CRM software or a sales performance management salesforce tool. The. The options are endless. A lot of options will be available as ClickUp and HubSpot, and more.
  2. This article will be a complete management CRM guide for you to find the best software for small businesses. After finishing this article, you will be easily able to determine the best option for you regarding your organization’s size, needs, and the allocated budget for you to spend on CRM software.

1. Salesmate

Salesmate is a revolutionary CRM software company that will surely help your company in many ways. Their main selling point is that they can help you close deals faster. They offer an easy user experience and widespread automaticity. Automation relieves a lot of the routine workload from your team and allows them to focus on the essential details more.

Salesmate is suitable for businesses of all sizes. They will help your small business to grow in no time. Your sales team will love the software and get accustomed to it in no time.

Salesmate offers multiple new features, including Power Dialer, Built-in Calling, Workflow Automation, and Email Drip Sequences. The automation also includes auto-assigning touchpoints and following the process up the clients and prospects.

The tool is also an excellent way for email campaigns with many options for following up on the responses. Salesmate also offers a great deal of flexibility that is useful for small businesses’ growth.

Salesmate plan starts at a 12$ for a feature for a month. They do not offer a free version. Instead, they offer a free trial for 15 days. They offer three pricing levels ranging from 12$/user/ month up to 40$/user/month. The plans are named Starter Plan, Growth Plan, and Boost Plan. These prices are for annual billings.

2. Salesforce.

Salesforce is perhaps the best CRM software option out there. It allows you to connect your business in terms of employees, tracking their performance, automate tasks, and engage customers.

Salesforce is a complete ecosystem full of tools and services. Salesforce allows you to build enterprise apps easily and quickly.

Salesforce services include Heroku Enterprise, Force, and Lightning. These services allow you to stay on track in the world of Android and iOS apps.

Salesforce is undoubtedly the best option for big enterprises. However, they issued the Lightning Essentials for smaller businesses and startups. This is a simplified package for small businesses. It includes an advanced contact manager, email integration, and follow-up reminders. This version also offers more tools in terms of customization and integration.

The pricing plans of Salesforce are not their most vital points. However, it stays an excellent value for money when we look at the services and features they offer.

Their pricing plans for the Lightning Professional at 75$/month/user, while the more basic Lightning Essentials package is for 25$/month/user.

3. Zoho

Zoho is also a well-established CRM service. Although it is more famous in big enterprises, they have also implemented a small business model. They have multiple editions that are offered. In general, these editions offer more functionality and options than the competitors.

Zoho offers tons of useful tools and gadgets. The key features include contact management, pipeline management, AI-driven conversational assistant, workflow automation, sales funnel, and forecasting. It also adds some features to the group as customer support, inventory management, marketing campaigns management.

Zoho allows your business system to integrate with more than 500 business apps and modules easily. It gathers all the relevant data in a single business system. However, most of these features are only available in enterprise and professional editions.

Zoho is suitable for all sizes of businesses. Small, middle, and large companies can make great use of Zoho CRM. The flexibility in this CRM software is excellent as it allows you to build your version that suits your business needs.

Zoho offers a free crm software version. It offers multiple paid plans with different levels of tools and abilities which are

The Standard plan ($12/month), Professional ($20/month), Enterprise ($35/month).

4. Hubspot

Hubspot is a great CRM option that suits your business size, whether you own a small business or a big enterprise. Hubspot offers multiple plans that allow you to grow with the software along your journey. Hubspot is a CRM system that cuts time on your team in tasks like logging data. Hubspot gathers all the relevant data in one place in a single centralized database with customizable options. Tasks automation is a great leading area for Hubspot using the Zapier Hubspot google sheets technology. This will save a lot of effort and time.

Each lead’s data is gathered in one place without more searching in inboxes and messages to find stuff.

Unlike other famous CRM providers, Hubspot CRM offers an excellent free version of its CRM software. This free Hubspot is popular in the startup world.

The free software “Hubspot CRM demo” offers most of the basic features you need for starting up in the CRM world. Hubspot provides the best free software that allows you to follow your company’s activities. This includes comprehensive real-time data on contacts, different company profiles, managing deals, and tracking orders. All of this info is gathered in a dashboard visible to all team members.

Hubspot also offers integrative features for more functionality if you use other CRM providers. This includes integration with Salesforce and Microsoft Dynamics.

Hubspot pricing model starts from 50$/month/user. It seems pretty expensive, but the free version is more than enough, so you will not need to subscribe.

5. Agile CRM

Presenting an exciting set of features and a wide range of automation abilities, they are indeed the best CRM system choice for small businesses.

It offers a lot of essential features for marketing teams as well as the sales ones. It gives you a choice to store data for up to 10,000 companies or clients. They support tracking emails by a two-way integration system which are lead scoring and custom deal milestones.

If used by a marketing team, it offers builder tools needed by many services; this includes emails, forms, different templates for emails, and landing pages for websites. They also added a feature to do marketing tasks automatically and evaluate social media data. It is undoubtedly the best simple crm for small businesses.

One of the best Agile features is the Auto-dialer software. This allows automaticity, management, and streamlining of your telephone interactions. Agile CRM dialer will take your telephone marketing experience to the next level. Dialing multiple numbers has never been easier; you can select various contact numbers, and the software will dial them for you manually or automatically.

The basic plan for Agile has a competitive price of 9$/month for one user for the starter’s plan. Other plans start from the Regular plan for 50$/month up to the Enterprise plan for 80$/month.

6. Drip (eCommerce).

Drip is a lot more than one of the best email marketing suppliers on the market. It is also a great and powerful ERCM (eCommerce). It does a fantastic job providing numerous functions for email marketing, and it also helps make an automatic system for your sales by using workflows.

Drip is not just a fantastic CRM software that connects with your email marketing services, but it can also handle email marketing for your company. This service offers a unique option that makes your customer workflow automatic that allows specific actions such as split testing workflows. Drip may be the best crm for sales and marketing on the market. Drip is also a simple crm system for small businesses.

This tool is straightforward and easy to use despite being very powerful and active. This marketing software is complete and automotive. It is also an excellent choice for beginners. It also has a modern and user-friendly interface.

A few of Drip’s best compelling features include a workflow builder to automate workflows in intuitive and visual ways, text sending, 10 built-in reports on the WordPress dashboard with export features.

-You can also use the testing feature to find out how your customers interact with the messages you send. Drip can also connect you with the Facebook Ads system and custom audience. Facebook and Instagram user base can be tapped into easily by the lead generation workflow.

Drip’s plan is for 49$/month as a start for an infinite number of emails and 2500 subscribers.

7. Capsule

Capsule CRM is an excellent well known CRM company. It is the best choice available for businesses that have between 10-1000 employees. This includes small businesses, startups, and medium enterprises. The Capsule has more than 10,000 users from companies all around the world. Capsule helps all of these users to organize their activities, processes, and customers’ data.

Capsule is a powerful tool and easily customizable. The user experience is simple and can be easily modified for your business’s needs. Capsule can also Integrate with multiple famous services such as Zapier, MailChimp, QuickBooks, and Google G Suite. This integration allows advanced sales automation. Automation is now significant to save your business time and money and enable your team to concentrate on the essential tasks.

Capsule CRM is an established company that has been offering its services since 2008. Capsule provides apps for both mobile and desktop to access your data from anywhere. The user interface is divided into five groups of functions. They are cases, tasks, sales pipeline, people and organizations, and dashboards. However, users of Capsule say that it is less functional in terms of repairing and managing campaigns.

Capsule CRM offers a free package allowing you two users. Their professional package starts at (£12/user/month).

8. Freshworks CRM.

Freshworks uses the next generation’s engagement platforms to give the user personalized experiences. Freshworks allows you to break internal silos to deliver a tailored experience for your client regarding marketing and sales. Freshsales offer support to all leading platforms, including Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS.

Freshworks uses AI CRM technology to allow the sales team to understand the customers better. Freshworks software provides sales professionals with essential insights about customers’ behavior at the needed time.

This CRM solution offers services of automation, including Salesforce and marketing automation. Freshworks also gathers telephone and chat solutions all in one place.

Freshworks is a comprehensive choice that will offer all needed tools and solutions for the price of one. Therefore, Freshworks is suitable for all sizes of businesses. Freshworks will enable you to attract customers, engage with leads, and close deals.

Freshworks’ pricing plans are suitable for the value it offers. They have a free plan with limited features. They also offer a free trial for the premium version. The paid plans start from $29 per feature per month for the Growth plan. The Pro plan costs $69/user/month, while the enterprise plan costs $125/user/month.

9. ConvergeHub.

ConvergeHub is the best choice if you are looking for a converged CRM for small businesses. This software can control and manage all your departments, including sales, billing needs, marketing, customer support. ConvergeHub can do all this with a simple app with a straightforward user experience while maintaining full functionality.

CnvergeHub offers all this with competitive and affordable pricing. Most of the CRM’s features are suitable for small businesses and do not need any additional expenditure.

ConvergeHub is a perfect business for small businesses and medium-sized ones. It allows your business to enjoy some features of expensive CRM’s that large corporations use while maintaining affordable prices.

It is also helpful for SMbs as it prevents them from getting lost between multiple repositories and keeps all the tools in one place. It offers various useful features such as

as managing all sales activities, designing campaigns, and storing all the contact lists.

ConvergeHub comes with built-in SalesForce automation techniques and marketing automation. Some ConvergeHub additional features include Customer Service Analytics, Email Response Control, ROI Tracking, and Customer Database.

ConvergeHub has a free trial but no free version. The paid version comes at $11 per user per month for the Starter plan.

10. Vtiger CRM.

Vtiger is a comprehensive CRM solution that is best for small businesses. This tool is simple and easy to use. It is implemented by more than 300,000 businesses all over the world.

Vtiger offers value in all stages of the sales process. It starts by helping your team to recognize potential leads and turn them into customers. Vtiger can help you close deals and maintain marketing campaigns via email and SMS campaigns.

Vtiger also offers other valuable features such as forecast revenue, proposal management, streamline meetings, and recognizing spot deals at risk. They also have a web-to-CRM option that allows your team to identify relevant info of contacts and prioritize them.

Vtiger is a perfect choice for small and medium businesses that want to improve customer satisfaction, customer support and enhance their growth numbers.

Vtiger offers a free version with some limited features and functionality. There is always a 15-day free trial of the premium version. The free trial does not even need a credit card confirmation.

However, the paid plans start from $10 per user per month if billed annually or $12 per user per month if billed monthly.

11. SugarCRM

SugarCRM is a top producer CRM provider all over the globe. More than 2 million individuals use SugarCRM in 120 countries. This shows the trust and the reputation this brand enjoys. It supplies your business with one of the best sales performance management systems out there. They have won the PCMag Business Choice Best CRM Software Award for four years in a row.

Sugar is an excellent option for visionaries, leaders, and people who want their business to be different. Sugar offers a straightforward customer experience with an easy user interface and multiple customization options on the platform.

SugarCRM is an easy recommendation for any startup, small business, or even a bigger enterprise. SugarCRM will offer a unique experience for any company looking for simple management of daily tasks, even the most complex of them.

Sugar can be deployed on multiple platforms, including Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, iOS. They offer 24/7 customer support and a live chat to help your team anytime they face a hurdle.

SugarCRM offers a wide range of features that are all gathered seamlessly in a single platform. These features include campaign management, customer database, firmographic and demographic data, and contact management for calls and alerts.

SugarCRM offers both a free version and a free trial for the premium plan. However, the paid version is for 40$/ month. For more details on the pricing plans, contact their website.

12. Streak.

Streak is a CRM provider software. It is known for its unique integration with Gmail and other G Suite apps. It is simple software that resembles a browser plugin. It is the best option for small teams that just want to work from their Gmail accounts’ inboxes.

This tool offers the easiest way to track your processes, including sending and scheduling mass emails, following the views of your emails, and even making separate email lists that cater to different departments in your business. These departments may include sales, customer support, HR, etc.

The tracking abilities in this software are powerful and valuable. It will help you track multiple businesses by keeping an eye on their sales, support, hiring, partnerships, mergers, deals flow, and many more.

Streak is the best option for small businesses and teams with a small number of members. Even medium-sized companies can use their abilities, especially for businesses looking for a light CRM without all the complicated details.

Streak supports multiple platforms such as Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS. This makes the operations a lot easier and faster.

Streak also offers excellent features, including email marketing, task management, social media, and internal chat integration.

Streak pricing starts at $49/month for professional businesses. The enterprise plan is $99/month if billed annually or $129/month if billed monthly. Streak also offers a free trial before purchasing. Their free plan is fantastic and reliable for personal use without having to pay anything.


You now have a thorough look around the best CRM options for a small business this year. It is time for you to choose the best software for your small business.

We have discussed many options ranging in prices from completely free simple plans to sophisticated plans that cost a lot of money.

Before you decide, you need to study your needs precisely and look for these needs in the CRM software you will be buying. Things to take care of include required technical assistance, usability, costs, security measures, and compliance with the new GDPR.

It is also essential to look for integration options that combine CRM software with different tools to work seamlessly. This will save you a lot of time instead of moving all your data manually between tools. For example, some software as Mopinion Feedback Analytics integrates with multiple CRM providers as Hubspot, SalesForce, and Marketo.