Leg Circles Exercise Is What You Need to Break Your Routine

Leg circles, additionally called single or one-legged circles, are an excellent Pilates mat exercise for strengthening the core, glutes, and hip muscles, and up girdle stability. better of all, it needs fully zero instrumentality. able to learn the way to try and do it?

Leg circles are performed lying down on your back and, as their name suggests, moving one leg in a very circular motion.

Leg circles look so easy, however they’re implausibly tough to try and do properly. scan on below to be told the way to execute them properly therefore you’ll be able to get the complete edges of this move.

Leg circles crush the glutes, particularly the hip abductors. The hip abductors sit within the outside of the hips, assist you move your legs removed from the sheet of the body, and stabilize the pelvis in everything you are doing on or off of the mat. This move also will work your hip flexors — the antagonists to your gluteus muscles–and the abs

Leg circles additionally act as associate degree isometric core exercise, requiring you to use your core muscles to support the load of your raised leg and keep your spine and pelvis in correct alignment.

Along with the core, single leg circle strengthens the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings. It additionally promotes a healthy ball-and-socket joint. it is a nice chance to figure the abdominals whereas keeping the Pilates principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breath, and flow in mind. Like most Pilates moves, this exercise combines stretching and strengthening of major muscle teams on each side of the body and promotes balance and improved overall operate in your hips.


  1. Lie sideways with your hip bones aligned one on top of the other and your legs stacked on top of each other.
  2. Lean your legs forward a bit so they are slightly in front of your torso. Point your toes.
  3. Step 2 Lift your top leg to hip height and make small circles with your leg.


Along with the core, single leg circle strengthens the quadriceps and hamstrings. It also promotes a healthy hip joint. It’s a great opportunity to work the abdominals while keeping the Pilates principles of centering, concentration, control, precision, breathing, and flow in mind. Like most Pilates moves, this exercise combines stretching and strengthening of major muscle groups on both sides of the body and promotes balance and improved overall function in your hips.

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