Online Game Development: Best Selling Game Genres

Online Game is the game which is played with the use of the internet. It is played in real-time. These are played in devices like mobile phones, PCs, consoles Etc.
Game development can be done using Computer programming, Software, and computer languages. There are also many tools available nowadays which can help in simply create a game.
Many types of game developers exist Some are professional game developers who develop games as their profession. And also, some are those who develop games as a hobby.
Online Game Development Trends
The trends in online game development are increasing tremendously. It has changed the experience of gaming differently. The emerging trends in the gaming industry are: –
  1. Mobile Games
These are the games that are played on the android mobile. It is played by both using the internet or without it. These are available both online as well as offline. The PC version of these games are not available, these can be played only on the mobile phone.
  • Offline Games
Offline games are games that are played without using the internet. These can be played on any device like in PC and in mobile devices. This is the simplest form of game which can be played by small kids also.
  • Social Media Platforms
Nowadays online games integrated with social media platforms are becoming very famous. People can play games using social media with each other. Here you can play a game with the people you don’t know. The feature of talking with each other while playing is also available.
  • Multi-player Games
This type of game is also increasing where players can play with their family and friends. It enables them to play with thein known ones. These games are also available both online as well as offline mode.
  • Old physical games
The old physical games are also converted into new online ones. It helps in players enjoying the old games ones again but in the online form. An example of these is online LUDO, Cricket Etc.
  • Virtual reality
This is a newbie in this industry. This is the latest type of technology emerging in the Gaming industry. Here the players can experience real-time gaming. Where they can fee that they are inside the game and can play there.
Top-selling Game genres
There are various types of game genres which are dominating the gaming industry. Some of these are: –
  1. Fighting Games
Nowadays you can see that most of the online games played are those of fighting games. These can involve more than one fighter. And these are also available for multiplayer. The widely played fighting game is PUBG.
  • Racing games
The other most played game is racing games. The race can be done in Cars, Bikes, Etc. These are also available in both online and offline modes. These can be played on PC, Mobile phones, Etc. Here there needs to be a fast-supporting system, as these are fast games.
  • Adventure Games
For the adventurous players, adventure games are also available. Here different types of adventures are available like Treasure hunting and many more. Adventure games are a blend of Puzzle-solving, Item collection, area exploration. Which makes it the most interesting game among all others.
  • Sports games
These are the real sports-based games. This includes Cricket, Football, Etc. Which are played physically too and are international sports. These are available both online as well as offline. And it also has multiplayer options.
  • Action Games
These are the games which have a lot of action. It checks the player’s reaction time and his reflexes. Here the player needs to show the strength of its character. It also has its various sub-genres which gives unique gaming experience.
Online Game Development Tools
  1. Unreal engine.
It is a very easy and simple tool used for developing games. It does not involve any programming language. It uses visual scripting technology and developed only with the help of drag and drop of elements. The most famous games developed with this tool are PUBG, BATMAN, TEKEN, Marvel heroes, Etc. It gives the choice of 10 devices. Most importantly It is free to use.
The programming languages used are C++, C#, Javascript. It is the most widely used gaming tool. 34% of the games are built in UNITY in 1000 top games. The most popular games build in this are Pokémon GO, Super Mario Run, Angry Birds, Etc. You can either use its free version or can take a subscription for 35$ Monthly.
  • Cry Engine
This tool supports virtual reality very effectively. It is free to use or either you can take the monthly subscription of 50$. The languages used in this tool are C++ and C#. The most valuable services provided in this system is its dedicated support system. Here you can clear all your doubts and ask the respective person for clarity.
  • Source Engine
It is a very old game development engine but it is very popular. The programming language used here is C++. The pricing is 25000$ and this is the one-time payment you need to pay for using source engine. The most popular games developed in this are Counter strike source, Half-life, Etc.
  • Amazon lumber yard
It uses cloud services integration. It is also very beneficial in making multiplayer games. The programming language used is C++. The most popular games made in this are Star citizen, Etc. It is free of cost for using.
The gaming industry still does not fully develop like that of other industries. It still has a very wide scope and you can gain profit from this. There are also various courses available to learn about Game Development. 

The Best Competitive Intelligence Tools You Should Use in 2021

As a business owner, it is important to use one of the best business intelligence tools. Then you will be able to get hold of useful and important data, which can create a major positive impact on the future of your business. The information that you extract from the intelligent tools and methods can even be used to take the marketing campaigns to the next level.
Here are some of the top intelligence tools for 2020 that you can use. You will never regret about the time and money that you will be spending in order to use these tools.
  • SpyFu
SpyFu is one of the most popular business intelligence tools among people in today’s world. You will be able to use this tool in order to locate the most profitable keywords. In addition to that, you can also locate ad campaigns of the competitors and extract useful information out of them to take your marketing efforts to the next level. This is an affordable competitive intelligence tools as well. When you get hold of it, you will be provided with the chance to take your ad campaigns to the next level and receive numerous benefits.
You will be able to use SpyFu to download all the paid and organic keywords of a competitor website. Then you will be able to use it and receive impressive results at the end of the day. You will be amazed with the way how you can drive conversions and traffic with the help of it.
  • Rival IQ
Rival IQ is a comprehensive digital marketing analytics platform. You will be able to use this platform to gather data from social media networks and use it for your betterment. For example, you will be able to use data to boost your engagement and to develop your follower base along with time. On the other hand, you will also be able to use data to track the competition that you deal with and locate new content ideas. This will always help you to remain ahead of competition that you have to deal with.
Social media networks contain lots of valuable data. However, you should extract them and get the most out of them for your business. That’s where the top intelligence tools for 2020 such as Rival IQ will be able to assist you with.
  • SpyOnWeb
SpyOnWeb is a free tool that can help you to get the most out of intelligence tools and methods. If you are a business owner who doesn’t have a clear understanding about your competitors, you can think about using SpyOnWeb. You will be able to extract all the details about your competitors that are publicly available on the web. If you try to do this on your own via manual methods, you will be spending lots of time and effort. You can cut down that time effectively with the assistance of SpyOnWeb.
Once you are aware of your competitors, you will be able to analyze them in detail and figure out what you can do to gain advantage out of them. SpyOnWeb will be able to provide the support and assistance that you need with it.
  • TalkWalker
TalkWalker is an expensive tool. However, it is one of the most prominent business intelligence tools. If you can invest on it, you will be able to create a major positive impact on your business and take things forward from there. You can think about calling TalkWalker as an excellent search engine available for social media. When you are using TalkWalker, you will be able to get hold of valuable insights on what you are working on. In addition to that, it can provide much-needed support to you with enhancing your growth on the social media networks as well.
People who use TalkWalker can easily locate key players in the industry. Along with that, you will be able to get to know about the key influencers who can create a major positive impact on your brand as well.
  • SimilarWeb
Along with the increasing popularity of mobile phones to use the internet, you need to pay more attention towards using a tool such as SimilarWeb. When you are using SimilarWeb, you will be able to get a better understanding about the marketing strategies of the business competitors. In addition to that, you will be able to get hold of funnel enhancements and in-depth market research tools. They can be used to drive more sales while increasing the conversions. On top of that, you will also be able to enhance the retention rates that you are experiencing. SimilarWeb is not just another research tool. You can think about calling it as a game changer. It will help you to secure dominating results.

Email marketing : Define and set your goals

When it comes to email marketing, there’s more than one way to measure success, more than 290 billion emails are sent daily.

This figure is expected to reach 347 billion daily emails by the end of 2023, with this huge number that indicate the power of the marketing through emails, how conversion rates are impacted by a certain email, or how much website traffic is being generated, you can recognize the effectivity of each email marketing initiative.

But before just start sending an email for your customer or audience you need to understand customers, their expects and interests

build a suitable strategy for your goals relay on some data and research, sometimes a bit of trial and error.

Some Recent survey shows the highest ROI through email marketing tool,

Step One

Define Email Marketing

Before you begin to create your email marketing strategy, you should define what email marketing means to your organization.

If email marketing had existed in 1828 when Noah Webster first published his American Dictionary of the English Language, the definition might have gone something like this:

e•mail mar•ket•ingn. The use of email to deliver permission-based communications to build relationships, increase sales and improve customer retention.

The definition also mentions customer retention. Email is by far the most popular way to stay in touch with existing customers.

By providing valuable information and updates based on their interests, email can help build a relationship between the organization and the customer.

In General, We Can Get Standard Term Definition,

Email marketing is the act of sending a commercial message, typically to a group of people, using email.

In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered email marketing. It involves using email to send advertisements, request business, or solicit sales or donations.

But there’s a far more meaningful definition of email marketing: what it means to you and your business. Defining the purpose of email marketing for your organization is critical and will be the driving force for all other email activities.

Step two

Set Your Suitable Goals

The first important step it, to be able to expect and determine your goals of growth for each stage at this point ask yourself.

  • what you can present as a project or service and why?
  • what the audiences benefit through your project?

you need to find more deep related questions about what you work on, that will be clear if you give the answers.

Email can be seen as a tactical and inexpensive way to reach out to prospects and customers to quickly increase sales drive traffic to the website, by building a sound strategy you will be able to set expectations for long term success effectively

So here’s the most important question you need to answer: What is the purpose of email marketing for your organization?

-Other important questions to answer include why email marketing?

-What will email marketing contribute to your existing marketing efforts?

-How will your marketing efforts tie together?

-What is your current lead generation process?

-How will email marketing contribute to lead generation?

-Do you communicate with customers on a regular basis already?

-Does email marketing replace or complement any other communication strategies?

Lead Generation and Sales Cycle Analysis;

Basic Process Acquisition Retention

Word of Mouth


Trade Shows

Direct Mail

Thank You

Action Buy Download Register




Basic Process Acquisition Retention

Word of Mouth


Trade Shows

Direct Mail

Thank You

Action Buy Download Register




This diagram is a simple illustration of a lead generation process without email marketing. It shows visitors reaching the site and then taking a certain action.

Currently the only follow up is a Thank You page that may show a receipt or confirmation.

Define email marketing and set your goals

Let’s highlight some of the problems with this process.

1-Web-centric – there is no effort towards customer retention, It is a very transactional approach.

2-Lost opportunity – there is no collection of information for those that don’t act immediately. What about those conducting research who want to learn more about your offering or your industry?

On the next page, we’ll take a look at a scenario with email marketing integrated into the process.



Integrated Email Marketing

Word of Mouth


Sign up for Newsletter

Trade Shows

Invitation/Welcome Email and

Regular Communication


Direct Mail


Action Buy Download Register




Integrated Email Marketing

Word of Mouth


Sign up for Newsletter

Trade Shows

Invitation/Welcome Email and

Regular Communication


Direct Mail


Action Buy Download Register


This diagram mirrors the previous illustration but shows how easily you can use an email newsletter to capture leads that may only be researching at the time of the web- site visit.

Lead Acquisition

The newsletter sign up form captures prospects that may not be ready to take other

Actions, by creating a newsletter or other communication for this audience, you can begin to build a relationship with them that can lead to sales or other desired action in the future.

Without this regular communication, the contact could easily forget about your organization the minute they exit the website.

Customer Retention

For those that do take a desired action on the website, the process now includes a welcome email that invites them to stay in touch with your company.

Additional benefits of adding email marketing

To lead generation and the sales cycle:

1-reinforcement of the brand with continual communication

2-Regular communication improves customer loyalty

3-Feedback from tracking reports provides info on interest levels

4-Ability to communicate with customers/prospects based on past behavior

5-Drives traffic to the website

What is it that the CUSTOMERS want

“What exactly are they looking for?”

In order to be a successful one, a business needs to touch its customers in a way no other business can. Customers are the primary stakeholders in any and all businesses. Why so?

  1. Organizations are extremely dependent upon their customers. In case they fail to develop customer loyalty and satisfaction, it is very likely they will lose their customers, which translates into failure.
  2. … Because without customers, the organization would not have come into being.
  3. The main purpose of the organization is to fulfill the needs of the customers and satisfy them.
  4. The customers make it possible to for the organization to achieve its aims and objectives.

Thus, the ultimate success lies in listening and responding to the customers’ needs. Therefore, the importance of Customer Relationship Management cannot be stressed enough. It is essentially an important part of the overall business management.

Following are the steps that possibly all organizations must go through in order to build fruitful customer relationships:

  • Determine which of the customers’ needs and/or goals coincide with those of the organization.
  • Establish and maintain a bond with customers through effective communication
  • Develop positive feelings between the organization and the customers so that they know who to turn to.

However, during the course, the organization must not deviate from another one of their primary objectives – making a profit and moving forward. And on the other hand, customers want great quality for a reasonable price. Therefore, these two somewhat contradicting points must be very intelligently managed and a balance must be created.

The CRM can influence the organization in many ways – for starters, the main focus of the organization moves from their product to their customers (which, is pretty much the same thing but a little more specific). Additionally, this means restructuring the offer to cater to the customers’ needs, and not what the organization can make/offer.

It goes without saying that an organization’s success is governed by two things – customer satisfaction and making profits (as previously indicated). These two have an interdependent relationship – providing a better service to your customers than your competitors is likely to bring handsome profits. What makes CRM so effective? CRM is known to not only improve the service to customers, it also should also reduce costs, wastage, and objections and complaints. Moreover, a good CRM will also reduce staff stress significantly, this is a result of the reduction in attrition.

Through CRM, instant and extensive market research becomes possible since you are now open communicating with your customers, which helps you study the patterns in the market, much better than any market survey could give you.

It is obvious how great CRM also helps you develop your business: customers stick to you for all their needs; customer mix-up rates go down, recommendations to recent customers from increasing numbers of satisfied customers to help make them take decisions; and overall the organization’s service flows and teams function more competently and more merrily.